Day 66: Somaly Mam; Embellished Backstories

Some of you may be familiar with Somaly Mam, and some of you may not. Somaly Mam is a Cambodian human rights activist and author. She became an overnight sensation, winning the hearts of columnist, actors, actresses, high ranking governmental officials, and was named one of Times Most Influential People in the World for her personal trafficking story, and work in combating human trafficking.

In May 2014, Newsweek published Somaly Mam: The Holy Saint (and Sinner) of Sex Trafficking contradicting Mam's personal story, suggesting she faked her back story about being trafficked. Other allegations are surfacing, she has resigned from organizations, and many people have stopped backing her. She has done some amazing things for trafficking victims, that can't be denied. I tell you about Somaly Mam and her organization, because I want you to be aware and want you to inquire about an organization before you fund it or tell people about it. Look into their financials, their board members, the work they are doing.

Always be inquisitive, and try to volunteer and get to know the people in the anti-trafficking organization you are funding or wanting to promote. As mentioned, as the media attention continues to grow, more and more people are going to come out asking for funding and they may not be telling the truth or be doing it for the right reasons.